Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I only want 2 see u... In the Purple Rain...

I love when Wally-World has their CD's on sale in the $5 bin. I love it even more when the one I was going to pay full price for happens to ring up as $5! So, I went to Wally-World yesterday looking for some Madonna and/or Prince CD's and what did I come away with? Two Madonna CD's (Like a Virgin and Like a Prayer) and Prince and the Revolution's Purple Rain CD! So awesome! I've been contemplating a quote tattoo or phrase or something, not something stupid--obviously--but something with symbalance to me and after re-watching Purple Rain for like the second or third time this year, I think it's safe to say I may have found my tattoo. It won't be until the fall or the spring at the latest, but hopefully I can get a little of the song tattooed either on my arm or around my ankle. We'll see.

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