Monday, August 13, 2012

It Takes a Village, or not...

I got around to watching a third movie over the weekend: Me and You and Everyone We Know. This is sort of a love story combined with other stories to give it this indie-movie dram-com feel. The stories two primary characters are Christine (a girl with many quirks who runs an elder car service and records media art on VHS) and Richard (a recently separated Dad of two who's just trying to figure out his way in life). The story has many other dimensions than just these two and they all connect somehow in the end. Take for example Richard's two sons: Peter (who happens to be played by Miles Thompson who you may have seen on Return to Sleepaway Camp and who I believe may just pop up in bigger roles one day, he seems talented enough to me) and his little brother Robby (who is obsessed with Poop); Richard & his brother have a long standing relationship with an internet chat fiend and so that one story ties in with another story that is linked with Christine: Macaroni? But in all seriousness, this movie is quirky and fun and sometimes to true to keep it from being sad... Personally my count for crying was three and they were mostly personal moments of realization or comparison. In the end the movie seems to give off this vibe of Everyone has a special someone meant just for them you just have to work to find them and to keep them, no matter how hard or frightening it may be. So I think I'm going to have to give Me and You and Everyone We Know an 8/10. ))>><<((

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