Thursday, May 31, 2012

A more modern ET

After months of being told that I needed to see Super 8 and months of saying it looks stupid, I finally lived my motto and gave it a shot. Man, oh man, was I surprised. This movie was amazingly done (minus all the extreme explosions.) I really could not have asked for more in a film, especially one where the main actors are children, WHAT?! The last time I saw children act that well in a movie was, well, E.T.
Pink eye in both eyes, please make it STOP!!!!
I gave this movie a 8/10. I will go further into this review after I return from my boring alter ego lifestyle tonight, assuming that homework does not preoccupy me, Diablo III does not steal me away, or I do not rip my eyes out from this horrible pink eye I've got right now!

Edit: So, I didn't exactly get back to finishing that review of Super 8 that I mentioned, so I will continue now. The story was solid, basically these kids who are trying to enter a junior movie competition go out after curfew to tape while the train is passing by at midnight only to witness a series of unimaginable events unfold. The children continue to try to film their movie while also trying not to be found out by the military and deal with the issues between their families. I don't want to go into too much detail about anything else but let's just say if you haven't seen this movie yet, you definitely should!

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