Thursday, May 24, 2012

1,2, and Away We Go!

I suppose now that I'm actually taking a class on emerging technologies and that this week we are learning about Blogs (in more than one class I might add); that this would be a good time to do what so many have told me I should and make my own movie Blog. So, here I am, at 12:15 a.m. when I should be asleep... Preferably playing Diablo III... Or even doing previously mentioned classes homework assignments, I am writing a Blog. Well, you're saying to yourself, get to the point already, what will this be about. I'm glad you asked! As many of my friends and acquaintances know, I have worked around movies my whole adult life, that being said I've seen way to many to keep count of and in working at a movie store for the past three years I have told customers countless times "Really... Put it back, It's that bad." So, again. Here we are. A Blog. About my movie critiques, experiences, rants, raves, etc. etc.
To get down to it, I have not watched any movies in the past week except for Contagion, which I thought was a great movie, though not many people liked it when it was released if I recall. "Too slow" was their reasoning. This was not meant to be an Action flick it was a Drama, which they do tend to be a bit slower. Just saying. I liked how the story was told and how plausible the concept was. The cast did an amazing job with everything they had to work with, Jude Law made an excellent person to detest. For those that know me, yes... I watched a movie with Matt Damon in it... I did not realize it was him until the end of the movie because he was in it so little and did not play his typical role, so for that Matt Damon, I thank you! Perhaps after this little adventure I will give We Bought a Zoo a try. That's a BIG perhaps though!

I do have high hopes that I will finally get to watch True Blood season 4 this weekend, don't know why I'm bothering though. Between Facebook and Twitter who needs to actually watch anything anymore. Also hoping to get to watch Humans Vs. Zombies, so far I have not heard good things about it. Here's hoping the people I talked to have a difference in opinion about that like the time when we differed on Madison County. Guess we'll find out when I get to see it. Apparently the whole premiss of the movie is that these college kids (because that's not played out) are actually playing the game on campus "humans vs. zombies", you know the one! With NERF guns! Sounds like so much fun, hey boss, if you're reading this, let's have a game day!!! I digress! So they're playing their game like they do and oh noes! REAL ZOMBIES! Ensue craziness! So I guess we'll see how it turned out. I sure hope this was an okay Blog post seeing as it was my first... Probably won't be my last... Just wait for what I have to say about The Woman in Black WOOHOO! Gateway Horror!!! Until then, ciao kiddies!

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