Friday, May 25, 2012

Form Your Own Opinions

While I am always one to quickly hand out my opinion, and very honestly I might add, I am always backing up my opinion by saying "You should try it for yourself and form your own opinion though" unless the movie just out right sucks.
I am sick of getting patronized and yelled at for telling someone that in my opinion a movie was awesome or that I liked a movie and then they come back tell me how stupid I am and that my taste in movies is the worst they've ever seen. Really? Because for the record, 99% of the movies I've recommended to you, you liked... So, that means you're stupid and your taste sucks too. So take that. Asshat. Yeah!

Tonight I'm just going on the record and saying that I liked The Devil Inside. Yes, it was not the best movie I've ever seen, but I went into it thinking it was going to down right suck. That is how I normally go into these newer horror movies. If I want to watch a truly great horror movie, I'll watch something by Fulci, Romero, Argento, etc. etc... From tonight forward whatever I talk about I will rate on a scale of 1-10. 1 being the shittiest piece of shit that ever shit! and 10 being of epic godliness! Now, onward! The Devil Inside is a "documentary" style film that follows a college age girl who seeks to find out if she has the same disorder or ailment that has led to her mother being committed into an asylum for murder. Her mother is in Italy and is believed to be under possession, though the Vatican will not oversee her exorcism so a priest and exorcist theorist join with the girl to uncover the truth and try to exorcise the mother. I will not give away the end or anything but I will say that the movie gave me chills. I'm Agnostic, I guess since I was at some point in my life Christian the whole thought of demons and Hell still can give me the chill but no movie has been able to do such a thing since The Exorcist and The Exorcist: The Beginning, The Devil Inside did leave me with chills and made me feel like 'Hmm... Maybe I should have one of my friends pray for my soul, if there's one left of course." In the end I would have to give The Devil Inside a 4/10. It's not a movie I would watch for a second time or consider adding to my collection but it was worth the rental and wasn't a total waste of my time.

Hopefully in the coming weeks I will be able to watch the 4th season of True Blood (why bother, it was all over Facebook last year) and possibly the new Sherlock Holmes. We'll see.

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