Saturday, July 14, 2012

London, Scotland, Yemen... Let's fish!

I know it's been a while since I've given a proper review and for that I apologize--however, today I bring you a movie that moved me so much, possibly because of the personal connection to the main character. I bring you my review of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, it has been quite a while since I have seen such a film that would move me to pay total and complete attention to the movie and to move me to tears; not out of sadness but out of joy. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is the story of a man who has Asperger's Syndrome--an Autism range disorder characterized by high functioning individuals who tend to be incredibly intelligent especially in one field or subject, who are very loving deep down but may come off as uncaring and cold or distant--the character is a fisherman and a scientist, as Faith is not something you can really teach or that a person with Asperger's can really grasp. A Sheik employs him and an assistant to bring fishing to the Yemen, but really to bring Faith to his people. I don't want to get into more of the synopsis than that, needless to say I was deeply moved by the movie--not just for personal reasons (I have personal experience with Asperger's Syndrome thus why I understand it and enjoy when I see characters in movies THRIVING even when presented with a "disability" or disorder). Salmon Fishing in the Yemen has some pretty witty one liners in it and scenes that had me giggling like a little school girl, grinning like an idiot, and feeling a real connection the characters, especially the Sheik, you can't help but love his character. All in all I'm going to have to say that Salmon Fishing in the Yemen deserves a 9/10! Pick up your copy, Tuesday July 17, 2012. I know I will be picking myself up a nice Blu-ray copy to add to my collection. Till Next Time!

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