Friday, July 27, 2012

Excuseeeee me!

So... Some of you may be wondering, wtf... Why hasn't this blog been updated in a week? Well that is a good question. I recently started a new job and left my BB family. As much as I will miss working at BB, it's time to grow up and join the real world. I have, however, been catching up on Breaking Bad, like a crazy methhead. Seriously yo! This show's CRAZY good, yo! Anyway. I have also been studying up on my materials for school and work which has kept me quite occupied over the weekdays. Instead of watching the 'ole boob tube at night before I go to bed for a few hours, I've been reading the A Game of Thrones (the first in a series of now five books in a Song of Fire and Ice set) . While I have seen the first and second season of A Game of Thrones, on HBO. The book brings so much more depth--where you didn't think the story could be any more intriguing and intricate--wonder, etc. I recommend definitely checking out the book, and if you're not a big reader, no biggie, check out the HBO series, season 1 is now on DVD, you really won't miss too much except their inner thoughts.

I'll probably only be updating on weekends and probably cramming a bit more into posts than I used to. So don't expect tons from me for a bit till I get into my groove! Till later this weekend or next, kiddies!

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